
Amidst these seemingly insurmountable challenges, businesses have an opportunity to fully embrace digital technologies to become more resilient and fulfil their business objectives.
We see an opportunity as the world continues to become increasingly connected, digital transformation, technologies are becoming key drivers of economic growth and societal progress. COOi Studios is helping large enterprises rethink their operations, through their strategy expertise that apply resilient and inclusive thinking.

Case Studies


COOi helps enterprises better understand their business problem, through immersive research, thinking and prototyping, utilizing the below skill sets in pursuit of developing sound customer value propositions:
  • Ethnographic Studies
  • Design Thinking
  • Resilience Thinking
  • Inclusive Thinking
  • Prototype Development and Testing


Case Studies


Our technology capability team is helping clients build customized solutions on leading platforms by Microsoft, SAP and AWS. We are obsessed exponential growth, so our solutions apply emerging technologies. Speak to us about educating your team in leading technology trends and building solutions using low-code and no-code platforms.

Case Studies